# Hog2021.1 Changelog - custom files are reset before each stage - Stages run on a on_success rule - remove WARNING about pre and post scripts not belonging to utils_1 - Updating copyright, printing the logo - Allowing separate building branches (HOG_INTERMEDIATE_BRANCH) - [bugfix] critical warning given for top name missing if there is flavour - Locked property for IP in list files - Synthesised IP products in the repository have always the priority to EOS copies - add HOG_RESET_FILES variable. All the files or pattern listed here will be reset by Hog-CI before starting sinthesis - create wrapper for sigasi CSV - create make_sigasi_csv.tcl script - Improvements to pre/post bitstream scripts - CI is enabled also when Hog is modified - TagRepository searches now for the greater tag reachable in the branch and not the newest - create CopyXML shell wrapper - bugfix: removed hog version from list of fw versions - (bugfix) Remove -dirty suffix from SHA to fix missing bitfiles from release in case of diry bin/bit files - create Execute, ExecuteRet, Git, GitRet functions to handle git commands and shell commands - GetArtifactsAndRename gets always the artifacts from the last job in the MR pipeline - Three stages that can be customized by users (user_pre, user_proj, user_post). - remove submodules from templates - remove submodules from GetRepoVersions and update its usage everywhere - new function GetSubmodule returns the submodule name of a given file or path - MR messages can be configured with the HOG_MR_MSG environmental variable - Attaching version and timing to the MR - Note written at collect_artifact stage