Hog CI Products#

In this paragraph, we describe the output products of the Hog CI pipelines.

Merge Request Pipeline Products#

The Merge Request pipeline generates a bin folder, where it stores the output products for each Hog project that has been run over the CI. It can be browsed, by opening the collect_artifacts stage of your pipeline and then clicking on Download or Browse on the right sidebar.

../../_images/collect.png ../../_images/collect_artifacts.png

For each project, it creates a sub-folder with the following format:


For example, in our TestFirmware, we have four Hog projects: bd_design, example, proj.1 and proj.2, and the bin folder content, looks like:


Inside each project sub-folder, you will find the bitstream files, a txt file with the timing report (timing_*.txt), a txt file with the version summary (version.txt), a report folder containing the Vivado/Quartus reports and an xml folder for possible address tables.


The Merge Request pipelines writes also notes with the resulting timing and version status in the Gitlab MR page, for faster control.


Doxygen documentation#

If configured (HOG_USE_DOXYGEN set to 1), Hog CI creates also the Doxygen documentation for the entire repository. This documentation can be browsed by opening doxygen stage artefacts in the Gitlab web page.

To create Doxygen documentation Hog uses the make_doxygen.tcl script

Tag Pipeline Products#

If HOG_CREATE_OFFICIAL_RELEASE is defined, the Tag pipeline creates the Gitlab Release, as described here and, if HOG_OFFICIAL_BIN_EOS_PATH is defined, it copies the produced project binaries and logs to a new folder in HOG_OFFICIAL_BIN_EOS_PATH, named as the new tag. If doxygen has been also run, the newly generated documentation is copied also in the Doc folder inside HOG_OFFICIAL_BIN_EOS_PATH.